
Showing posts from 2014

BFG Dream Jar



Congratulations on your boomwriting.

New writing goal

This is my new writing goal. I got a new one because I achieved my last one. Every time I  my achieve a goal I feel great.

Play dough challenge

     In class, we were given challenges.  The challenge I chose was to make a fraction, which is easy, out of play dough.


Yesterday Paula Green visited Frankley School. Amongst all the talking and poems, Paula gave us a challenge. It was to make up a poem with twelve or less words. Then today we went on a listening walk. When we got back, we made up lines of a poem. I made up a bit longer poem line that was a poem one it's own. I wrote the words down and cut them up. Then I arranged the lines of the poem and I have a poem. Here is what I came up with: Strong wind howling past me, making all the trees  dance.

My writing goal


Fairy Tale Role Play

This is me pretending to be Sleeping Beauty or Aurora. My audience asks me questions and I try to answer the questions with my knowledge of the fairy tale. I had so much fun making up answers for the questions.    

My New Maths Goal

This is my new Maths goal. I got a new Maths goal because achieved my old goal. I've kind of got the hang of it already. I love my new goal.

Snowy Storm

A layer of ice upon water Blizzards are coming for you Cold temperatures lower than -1 Do you see a snowflake anywhere? Endless snowy storm.

Nature Art


Working on my art


Te Ara Tika Photos

  I like my second photo more because it uses the rule of thirds in a good way. 

My Student Led Conference

I am showing my mum and Rebecca my learning at my student let conference in secret 67 hq. In the photo I am eva showing them my blog or gmail account.

Working on my time tables

Working on my times tables. I am using my five eight six and seven time tables. I think that the five time table is by far one of the easiest time tables.  I do a five times table then I solve it.  

Our Play

I am doing my class play. I was crew 4, Grace was crew 3, Gabrielle was crew 2, Blake was crew 1 and Amayah was captain Linda.

Sign language awareness week

This morning Alison taught room 67 how to sign good morning. Thumbs up means good.  Morning is when you pretend your hand is the sun and you put your hand up.  Then put it together and you get good morning.

My Reading Goal


My Learning Cape

Alison, great colours and messages on your cape!!

My Maths Goal


My Te Ara Tika Goal


Math Riddles

Hi. Today I've been making-up some maths riddles. Here are my current maths riddles: What has 88 feet, no tails and 44 heads? What has no legs,2 eyes, no arms and hair? What is in acts but doesn't have a mouth?

Working on my writing goal

I added some juicy details to this piece of writing. I added them in red pen. My writing now make s more sense. I hope you enjoy my finished story. 

My Writing Goal

This is my writing goal. This is my writing that I am going to edit and work on my goal. 

I am Grateful for...

I am grateful for... my two cats because they give me a full heart,   my parents  because they by me things, my grandparents ( yes both sets of grandparents) because they by me things, my brother because he makes me laugh  

My dream class

In te ara tika I 've been working on my mysteries dream classroom. It is very colourful and fancy. It will probably never come true. But you never ever know. In a faraway galaxy on a planet Marine World lived a group of mermaids. As the mermaids called school they had an extremely deep velvet blue pool, because all mermaids need to learn how to swim, an ice skating rink, a ROCKET to reach the starry sky, a library full of amazing ocean life, an unpleasant  naughty corner with only a blackboard (yawn) and chalk of different colours.  (Zzzzzzzzz snore) the mermaids teacher worked so hard all the mermaids bought their teacher a five star active board. The mermaids names are Alison, Sarah, Roxy, Jasmine and Olivia.

Morning meeting

Thanks Alison for taking morning meeting today.  You were magnificent.


I've been doing heaps of reading. Lots and lots of Beanos . Reading  is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Hi My name is Alison. Welcome to my blog. Here you will find what I have done over 2014. My favourite thing to do at school is ...swimming... and reading! Happy searching.