

I know it's been a while since I last posted anything, so I decided to post about what I've been busy with for the last few AGES.

Everyone knows about coding, but how many everyone's actually know HOW to code? Not as many as you might think, and how many of them are girls?

Annoying Fact ↓
Only one in every seven engineers are girls.

 For some more info on the tech challenge, Click HERE(And not HERE)


  1. I hope you are enjoying it a bit more than you were before Alison, it's a challenge worth conquering.

  2. Its really cool you and your team worked together to get your project completed. I know how hard you have worked to get your vision into a workable solution. Are you planning on doing any more coding? Have you got the coding spark now?

  3. This is quite fascinating- wellthought out and you have marshalled your arguments extremely well.Yes there are fewer females in science and ,in fact,most professional areas but it is changing-slowly!.In our lives we have seen the biology and engineering schools at Canterbury University change so that 1 in 2 people that you meet there are females but it seems likely that elsewhere this balance is not maintained. Our colleague Dr Chris McKAY at NASA telld us that females are prominent in the 'search for life on exoplanets programme" and at Oxford university many of the colleges have more females than males and what used to be all male colleges now have 1 in 3 to 1 in 5 females. This is a start and it is folk like you who can help change this state of affairs and your coding article is very musch welcomed in this debate - so well done Allison!

  4. oops -that last comment was from Professor Laurie Greenfield and Ms.Carole Greenfield

  5. I'd like to see the app that your group made. Glad that you got it finished.
    Sounds interesting and quite different to when I used to write computer code back in the early 1990's:
    .loop LDA #0:STA (&80),Y:INY:TYA:CMP #10:BNE loop

    ...I think this would work. Bit of a dim memory now... What is my little piece of code actually doing? :-)


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